Brisbane, QLD
Dredging and Dewatering
The oil catchment lagoon at this petroleum refinery required maintenance dredging to restore its capacity. There was a substantial build-up of sludge around the inlet area of the lagoon.
Our Approach:
Using the remote controlled Flump auger suction dredge, Dredging Solutions harvested and dewatered ~2,300 m³ of sludge from the oil catchment lagoon. Due to the concentrated nature of the in-situ sludge a relatively high polymer dosing rate was needed to achieve robust flocculation and subsequent dewatering. Geotextile dewatering tubes were set up on a lined area to allow for containment of the flocculated sludge and to allow for a passive dewatering. The released filtrate was returned to the oil catchment lagoon via a 6" submersible pump, allowing us to maintain the water level and keep the dredge afloat throughout the project.

At the client's request, Dredging Solutions returned the lagoon to 75% of its maximum capacity during this campaign. With the lined dewatering area now established, future dredging campaigns can be easily carried out from here if necessary.