Mechanical Dewatering - Centrifuge
Our containerised centrifuges are a great solution for sites where space is at a premium as they occupy a smaller footprint than geotextile dewatering containers.
Key benefits of mechanical dewatering:
High mobility and responsiveness to client needs
Low site footprint
Integrated polymer dosing system ensuring accurate polymer usage
High level of control over the dewatering outputs
Fast and efficient dewatering option
Up to 100m³/hr throughput
Dredging Solutions own and operate a number of high-speed containerised centrifuge dewatering units that provide consistent mechanical dewatering capabilities for a range of projects and client specifications. The centrifuge is our preferred approach when material needs to be taken off site immediately, or there is a limited amount of space available for passive dewatering.
Dredging Solution's centrifuges are housed within thermally and acoustically lined repurposed shipping containers which feature integral polymer dosing systems, segregated electrical control panel room, recessed pipe penetration panels and overhead gantry. Depending upon the material to be dewatered our centrifuges can process up to 100m³/hour of flocculated feed sludge, which is dewatered via mechanical force and produces dry cake with a solids content of >16% solids wt/wt depending upon the type of feed material.