Mid Coast, NSW
Channel Maintenance Dredging
A long term client engaged our company to dredge a river channel with the objective of improving tidal flow and oceanic flushing. Additional project benefits include maintaining an important navigation channel for boats and providing a sand source for emergency beach nourishment works.
Our Approach:
We employed one of our hydraulic cutter suction dredges in order to guarantee minimal turbidity at the dredge site and keep runoff water volumes at a manageable level.
A serpentine pond system was established to dewater the dredged material and prevent the discharge of poor quality water from the site. A 30MT excavator was used to win sand from the dewatering channels and shape the stockpile.
Water quality testing was carried out by Dredging Solutions staff in accordance with EPA requirements. Given the nature of the clean marine sand, the effectiveness of the dewatering sites constructed by Dredging Solutions and the design of the Ruby K cutter suction dredge all water quality testing was compliant with the project requirements.
Over the course of the project approximately 120,000m³ of sand was removed from the channel. Approximately 100,000m³ of sand was dredged, dewatered and stockpiled which would be later used by council to undertake necessary beach nourishment. The remaining sand was pumped directly to a nearby beach which had experienced severe erosion following a series of storm events.