Mid Coast Mooring Area Dredging
September, 2018

There were concerns regarding the accumulation of marine sediment impacting the access to mooring during low tides. To ensure safe access to mooring, the sediment needed to be dredged and relocated to a nominated area 4 km away from site.
Our Approach:
Dredging Solutions considered all the aspects identified in the project-specific Review for Environmental Factors (REF) and produced a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to ensure we adopted a considered and suitable approach. 6000 m³ of material was then removed from the mooring area via the Coonawarra dredge (which features a GPS hydrographic monitoring system). The dredged material was pumped to the existing Winda Woppa stockpile through two land based booster pumps for dewatering as well as ongoing nourishment.
The mooring area was effectively dredged to the required level for access of fleet in line with the hydrographic survey. As this was a highly visible public job, all inquires raised during the project were managed and documented to ensure the requirements from relevant stakeholders were fully addressed.