Uranium Mine, South Australia
Dredging and Dewatering
Dredging Solutions was contracted to dredge and dewater 7,200m³ of sewage sludge from within two lagoons at a wastewater treatment plant in South Australia. The site was within a mine site and accordingly the project was subject to the client’s strict site-specific specifications and requirements.
Our Approach:
Our 4" severe duty FLUMP dredge and associated floating discharge pipeline was used to remove the in situ sludge from the lagoons. Two proprietary polymer dosing systems were used to dose the sludge prior to entering the geotextile dewatering containers, which were laid out within a bunded and lined dewatering area. Monitoring of the consistency of the pumped solids and effectiveness of the chemical conditioning were constantly assessed by way of inline manual sampling points.

After several fill and dewater cycles, the geotextile dewatering containers were taken offline for final dewatering and consolidation. The dewatered material was left to dry until reaching 25% solids wt/wt or greater.